Learn SEO – On-Page SEO Tutorial 2020
SEO is about ranking our website in Google search results pages. There are two aspects of SEO on-page and off-page SEO. In on-page SEO, we make changes to the website; we have to follow Google guidelines to rank our website on Google. Below are some factors in on-page SEO.
Before starting working on the website, we have to work on the keyword research. Keywords or Keyphrases are the words we search on Google Search Box. Keywords can be found in the Google search Google ad keyword planner tool. After choosing the keywords, we have to place them on our website below are some places on the site we have to put keywords.
Title Tag
We have to include keywords in the title of the web page. We can find the title of a website by hovering our mouse cursor to the browser tab. Title tag is denoted as <Title> in an HTML page. Also, we can see the Title by right click on the page and click on view page source and search for <title> in the coding. The title tag should not be over 70 characters.

Meta Description
The meta description is another HTML tag we have to put in our website page. We should write about the page, our offerings, and services in the meta description tag. The meta description should not exceed 170 characters and denoted as <meta name=”description” content=”your description” />

Heading tag is another HTML tag we have to put in our website pages. Like a heading in a document, it is also our page’s heading. Here too, we have to put keywords in heading tag. Heading tags are between <H1> to <H6>. One should place the primary keyword in the H1 tag.
Image Optimization
Images are also an important part of our website. we have to optimize images and include the keyword in our image alt attribute.
Main Content
Content is the central part of our website, and we should include our keywords in the main website content. Make sure that we are not repeating keywords multiple times; it should look natural.
Everyone knows there is a URL for every page. We have to include the keyword in the page URL. It means we have to rename the page with our keywords if not using CMS. In WordPress, change the permalink with our keyword.
Website Speed
Speed also another essential factor to rank our website in Google SERP (search engine result pages). We must increase website speed for better SEO of our website. The website should load fast in any browser.
Mobile Friendly
Our website should be mobile friendly; it means that it should look good on all mobile devices. Mobile Optimisation means our website should fit according to the screen size of the device.